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    Parent Letters

    Please find all recent parent letters below:

    1. Year 6 Graduation Letter for Families

    2. Library Letter for families.5.7.24

    3. Y5 & Y6 Free Summer Swimming Lessons 3.7.24

    4. EYFS Summer Events Letter

    5. Year 6 Events Letter 2.7.24

    6. PGL Liddington Update Letter 27.6.24

    7. Chalkwell beach reminder letter 28th June 2024

    8. Identity Project Celebration Letter 25.06.24 (1)

    9. Run Thomas Fairchild Run 7th July 2024.docx

    10. Year 3,4,5,6 Chalkwell Family Letter 28th June 2024.docx

    11. Eid Letter (June 2024)

    12. Parent Key Dates letter (Summer 2 2024)

    13. FREE After School Provision Update 6.6.24

    14. Year 5 PGL trip 6.6.24

    15. Sports Day Update 5.6.24

    16. Social Media Letter to Families 5.6.24

    17. PGL Letter (June 2024)

    18. Summer 2 curriculum letter 4.6.24

    19. SRE Parent Information Sessions letter 22.05.24pdf

    20. Sports Day Years 1-6 (June 2024)

    21. Coach Tanya (May 2024)

    22. Attendance and Punctuality (May 2024)

    23. Year 6 SATs 2024 Letter

    24. Newsletter 29.04.24 (1)

    25. New Clubs (May 2024)

    26. New Extended schools arrangements

    27. Parent events letter (Summer 2024)

    28. Eid Celebration (April 2024)

    29. Summer 1 curriculum letter 16.4.24

    30. After School Clubs - Summer 2024

    31. Increase Cost for Extended Schools (March 2024)

    32. Term time holiday letter 27.03.24

    33. Year 6 Easter holiday letter (1)

    34. End of Spring Term Letter (March 2024)

    35. Red Nose Day 2024

    36. Identity Project Letter 26.2.24

    37. WBD Letter 2024

    38. Spring 2 curriculum 19.2.24

    39. Local Authority support regarding Autism Letter - 06.02.24

    40. Safer Internet Day TF Letter to Families 02.02.24

    41. Safeguarding Updates 01.02.24pdf

    42. Social Media Letter to Families 25.01.24

    43. TF After School Enrichment Spring 2024 - 10.01.24

    44. Letter to Families January 2024

    45. Parent thank you and events 19.12.23

    46. End of Year Letter 18.12.23pdf

    47. Mayor of London Letter to Families Autumn Term 14.12.23 (1)

    48. Dep Mayor Bramble End of term letter to parents' - 13.12.23

    49. Sweets and snacks in school 08.12.23

    50. Winter Events (Dec 2023) 04.12.23

    51. Parents' Evening 27.11.23

    52. Newsletter 24.11.23

    53. Festive Fair 15th December 2023 22.11.23

    54. Travelling Book Fair - 14.11.23

    55. Zero Waste Hub Saturday 25th November - 14.11.23

    56. Key Winter Dates 2023 - 14.11.23

    57. Anti Bullying Week 09.11.23

    58. Ofsted report 3.11.23

    59. Foodbank letter 07.11.23

    60. Panto letter 5th December 2023 06.11.23

    61. Ofsted report September 2023

    62. Breakfast Club 02.11.23

    63. Parent Governor Letter 13.10.23

    64. Attendance and Punctuality 06.10.23

    65. Jewellery Letter 03.10.23

    66. Parent Governor NWF 2023 - 03.10.23

    67. Year 6 CATs Letter 3.10.23

    68. 6T Royal Observatory Letter. 02.10.23

    69. Year 2 Fieldwork Local Visit 02.10.23

    70. Year 1 Fieldwork Local Visit. 02.10.23

    71. Early Years Family Friday

    72. Parent events letter 22.09.23

    73. Year 4 Swimming Letter 20.09.23

    74. Family letter - communication 20.09.23pdf

    75. PGL Family Letter 12.09.23

    76. School Meals 08.09.23

    77. Welcome Back Letter 07.09.23

    78. End of Year Letter 21.07.23

    79. Hackney Summer Guide 20.07.23

    80. Cllr Bramble - End of year letter to parents 20.07.23

    81. Summer Festival - 17.07.23

    82. Mayor of London letter (UFSM) - 17.07.23

    83. YH Summer Transitions 2023 17.07.23

    84. Summer Festival celebration 13.07.23

    85. Family Vouchers Summer Period 12.07.23

    86. Year 6 Graduation 12.07.23

    87. Year 6 Disco 12.07.23

    88. Y6 JP Morgan - 04.07.23

    89. Key Summer Dates for July 30.6.23

    90. Pick Up and Drop Off 28.06.23

    91. Industrial Strike Action July. 27.06.23

    92. Hackney Secondary School Open Events in 2023. 23.06.23

    93. EY Letter - Hand Foot and Mouth 21.6.23

    94. Home reading expectations 22.05.23

    95. Newsletter 19.05.23

    96. SRE Parent Information Sessions letter 19.05.23

    97. Parent Consultation Letter - Thomas Fairchild Community School.docx

    98. Class photos 12.05.23

    99. Newsletter 05.05.23

    100. KS1 SATs letter 04.05.23

    101. A day of joy and togetherness. 26.04.23

    102. Eid Celebration 20.04.23

    103. Industrial Strike Action (April-May) 18.4.23

    104. Curriculum Information for Parents (Summer 1) 30.3.23

    105. Families Update Letter 30.3.23

    106. Ramadan and fasting 22.03.23

    107. Family update 20.03.23

    108. Phonics Coffee Morning Flyer 17.03.23

    109. Y1 Bake Sale Letter 17.03.23

    110. BromCom Update for families 17.03.23

    111. Newsletter 10.03.23

    112. Industrial Strike Action 09.03.23

    113. Warm Welcome Hackney 03.03.23

    114. Reading Diaries Letter to Families 22.02.23

    115. SATs revision tips 01.03.23

    116. Year 6 Offers 27.02.23

    117. Industrial Strike Action 2nd March 2023 24.02.23

    118. Travelling Book Fair 21.02.23

    119. Family Update 20.02.23

    120. Turkey-Syria Fundraising and Support 10.02.23

    121. TF Newsletter 10.02.23

    122. WBD - Letter for families 10.02.23

    123. Non-Uniform Day Turkey-Syria Appeal Family Letter 09.02.23

    124. Turkey-Syria Earthquake Family Letter 07.02.23

    125. Pupil Presentation Letter 06.02.23

    126. Social Media Letter to Families 06.02.23

    127. Safer Internet Day 03.02.23

    128. Maths Coffee Morning 26.01.23

    129. [TF] Industrial Strike Action Wednesday 1st February 2023 24.1.23

    130. Letters to parents- New year 2023 (1)

    131. Family End of Term Letter 16.12.22

    132. 3T class letter 15.12.22

    133. 4T class letter 15.12.22

    134. 5T class letter 15.12.22

    135. YR class letter 15.12.22

    136. Family Update Letter 13.12.22

    137. Increasing Scarlet Fever letter for parents and carers 8.12.22

    138. Lost Property Letter 8.12.22

    139. Family STREP A Letter 07.12.22

    140. Family Update - Festive Events 05.12.22

    141. Winter Sounds 30.11.22

    142. Parent Consultation Meetings 28.11.22

    143. 4T MTC Letter 24.11.22

    144. Anti-bullying week letter 18.11.22

    145. Book Fair parent letter 15.11.22

    146. TF Newsletter 14.11.22

    147. Autumn Letter (2) 4.11.22

    148. Hackney Council Cost of Living Booklet 4.11.22

    149. List of Organisations Offering Support - Cost of Living Crisis 4.11.22

    150. OTHER GRANT ORGANISATIONS - Welfare - 4.11.22

    151. OTHER GRANT ORGANISATIONS -Education 4.11.22

    152. Autumn 2 TF Family Letter 21.10.22

    153. Hackney Foodbank Collection

    154. Year 6 CATs Letter 4.10.22

    155. Inset Day Changes

    156. RBA Letter Autumn 22

    157. Nursery Home Learning Portal Sept 2022

    158. Reception Home Learning Sept 2022

    159. Uniform Letter Sept 2022

    160. Reception RWI Letter 21st Sept 2022

    161. 2nd PGL Family Letter 13th September 2022

    162. FSM letter

    163. Y4 Swimming Letter

    164. Family Letter Tuesday 13th Sept 2022

    165. Her Majesty the Queen 9th Sept

    166. Meet The Teacher Letter

    167. TF Nursery new to school parent letter

    168. Year 6 Secondary Application Information Letter 12.09.22